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How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users
Lenny's Newsletter

How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users

Hello, and welcome to a free monthly edition of my newsletter. I'm Lenny, and each week I tackle reader questions about product, growth, working with humans, and anything else that's stressing you out at the office. Send me your questions and in return, I'll humbly offer actionable real-talk advice. 🤜🤛Q: How did the big consumer apps get their first 1,000 users?Considering every startup confronts this question at some point, I was surprised by how little has been written about it. Particularly anything actionable. So I decided to do my own digging. I spent the past month personally reaching out to founders, scouring interviews, and tapping the Twitterverse....

Start listening in three steps

STEP 1SubscribeSign up to newsletters with your Podletter email. We'll handle the rest.
STEP 2ConvertYour newsletters automatically turn into audio in your dashboard, ready when you are.
STEP 3ListenEnjoy your audio newsletters anywhere—just hit play.

Pick the credit pack for your needs

All credit packs are one-time purchases.


Perfect for the casual listener.
30 newsletters (credits)


🎉 Save 25%
Ideal for the enthusiast.
60 newsletters (credits)


🥳 Save 40%
For the power user.
100 newsletters (credits)
Credits never expire.
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Wall of love

Elias Stråvik

Elias Stråvik

I don't always feel like reading newsletters after a long day of work, but being able to catch up on when I'm out for a walk with Podletter is fantastic!


It's honestly easier to go through Podletter than go through my gmail to find the newsletter and read it! Very clean presentation!
Wart Burggraaf

Wart Burggraaf

This is such a great idea - I just signed up. I've been looking for a way to listen to blogs and newsletters while on the go, and you've absolutely nailed it with this one!
Lívia Zaidan

Lívia Zaidan

I can finally catch up on all the content I love while doing everyday things like cooking, jogging, or even during my morning commute.


Podletter is such a good idea (i'm always looking for new pods when walking the dog)